No Bladder Control Hypnosis

It’s the dream you have, a special little dream to be able to release your bladder anywhere, at any time. You now can live that special little dream with No Bladder Control Hypnosis. TrainĀ  your self with ABDL hypnosis to allow your bladder to be in control. You are no longer in control of your bladder it has its own control. You will release your bladder whenever your bladder feels it wants to release. You can no longer make it to the toilet and you must wear diapers because your bladder is in control now. It brings you comfort and happiness to allow this to happen to allow your bladder to be in control, to wear diapers so that you can let this special little dream come to life. You have no bladder control.

Includes: ABDL Hypnosis, Diaper training, Bladder training, bedwetting, wetting in public, diaper, adult baby, brainwave training, diaper usage, guided meditation, hypnosis, trance training, incontinence

Listen: No Bladder Control Preview

Length : 16 mins, 46 secs
File Format : .mp3
Price: U.S. $35.00