Wetting And Messing

Wetting And Messing

ABDL Hypnosis, Bedwetting, Diaper Training
Hello little one welcome to wetting and messing where you will learn that wetting yourself (especially wetting) and messing yourself is just a natural part of your little life. Training to allow yourself to release and let go where ever you are, what ever you are doing. Messing can happen too and that's OK. You are safe and well cared for and wetting both in a diaper and out, it's just a part of life, a happy and content part of life. I'm here to guide you to this safe place and to help you train to allow yourself to just release and let go. It's such a happy feeling and a goal you want to achieve, lets get there together. Fall into trance and let me guide you to…
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Bedwetter Affirmations

Bedwetter Affirmations

ABDL Hypnosis, Bedwetting
Positive bedwetter affirmations to further your training to be the ultimate bed wetter. Listen to these repetitive affirmations with subliminal suggestions and whispers awake or asleep and watch your bed wetting results increase ten fold. You’ve always wanted to be able to be free enough to just let go and wet the bed. You love the feeling and you know its the real you, the true you that you are a bed wetter and that you will always be a bed wetter. Its just how it is. Fal deep into an ABDL trance and become the most intense, the most satisifed bedwetter you can me. The bed wetter you are on the inside, The one you long to be. Let me guide you, train you and take you down the…
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Diaper Training Hypnosis Wet And Dry

Diaper Training Hypnosis Wet And Dry

ABDL Hypnosis, Diaper Training
Diaper training hypnosis, dependence and reliance training. Train to always want to wear a diaper. Making a diaper the only thing touching your most sensitive skin and parts. You need to wear a diaper so you can always use it, where ever you are. Learn to love the soft feel and the security of always wearing a diaper. Depending on it, needing it. training to need t security and comfort of always knowing you can pee anywhere you happen to be.  Trusting your diaper and training to enjoy it dry and wet. the warmth of a wet soggy diaper touching your body makes you happy and secure, you love the bulky feel of it wet and warm as much as you love it soft and dry. Your diaper is your…
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Making Messes

Making Messes

ABDL Hypnosis, Diaper Training
You feel safe and happy. You are most happy when you can just be our little self. All cozy and warm in your jammies with your teddy. Laying looking up at the painted stars on your ceiling. The stars comfort you and help you to get into little space where you are happy warm and safe. Were you can just be you and that includes using your diaper. It feels so good to just allow yourself the use your diaper. With the comfort that that the diaper will catch any of your mess. If it's wet, your diaper will catch it. If it's a stinky your diaper will catch that too. You will get so comfortable using your diaper at home in your safe bed and crawling on your soft…
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